Football Insurance Buyers' Guide

Football Insurance Buyers' Guide

Played by approximately 11.8 million people in England (FA), 780,000 in Scotland (BBC) and more than 100,000 in Wales (BBC), football is the most popular sport in the UK. From grassroots knockabouts to the Premier League’s biggest stadiums, players of all abilities and affiliations enjoy the beautiful game.

However, whatever your level, playing football does carry risks. Injuries are commonplace and involvement in clubs and associated organisations exposes you to public liability claims. For this reason, many players and parents opt to take out specialist football insurance.

In this detailed guide to football cover, we examine the ins and outs of specialist sports insurance, helping you to decide whether extra financial protection will enable you to get more from your favourite sport.

What types of football insurance are available?

The Quote Sports Insurance team offers football players at all levels of the game comprehensive financial protection. As there are several types of insurance, we create bespoke policies that suit your specific needs. This typically involves combining elements from the three following insurance categories.

What does football insurance typically cover?

The first thing to understand about football insurance is that it typically only covers you for incidents that occur on the pitch or while you are involved in football-related activities, such as training. It will not cover you in your day-to-day life outside of football. Football-specific sports policies are designed to protect you from any financial losses or burdens that arise due to injury, accident, mistakes or property damage. Though the specific details of football cover vary from policy to policy, they often include the following.

  1. Medical expenses

Health cover is central to most specialist sports insurance. Football is no exception. Medical insurance covers any healthcare expenses you may accrue when being treated for football-related injuries. This can include visits to specialist professionals, hospitalisation, surgery, physiotherapy and a host of recovery and rehabilitation services. While many football players rely on the public healthcare system, it can result in long wait times and will not allow you to select the professional providing the care. Health insurance enables you to do just that, helping you get the treatment you need as quickly as possible.

  1. Income protection

A bad injury on the football pitch can mean significant time off work. Whether you are an amateur, semi-professional or professional player, this can be financially disastrous. If you have regular bills, rent, mortgages and debts to pay, it can put you under real financial pressure and lead to long-term difficulties. Income protection cover ensures you can meet your financial obligations should a football-related incident temporarily prevent you from earning an income.

  1. Personal accident cover

In some instances, football accidents and injuries can result in permanent disability. Personal accident cover can provide a lump-sum payout or long-term ongoing financial support.

  1. Public liability

While you may be on the receiving end of an injury, there may be occasions when you are responsible for causing an injury. Though this may have been an accident, it can still open you up to public liability claims that could prove financially ruinous. Public liability insurance protects you from this possibility by covering the legal costs involved in defending yourself and any compensation payouts you may have to make as a result of the claim.

Do I need football insurance if I already have health insurance?

In the UK, we are privileged to have a public health system that provides treatment that is free at the point of access. Many people also take out general private health insurance. With these two safety nets in place, you may wonder if sport-specific football insurance is necessary.

But there are other factors to consider. While general health insurance may cover some costs for a sports-related injury, football insurance offers targeted benefits that make it an appealing and sensible choice.

  1. Specialist medical treatment

General health insurance usually covers standard medical treatments. However, football injuries often require specialist care, such as long-term physiotherapy. Many general healthcare policies simply will not cover these treatments. In some cases, policies may even include exemptions for sports-related injuries. Football-specific insurance means you do not have to worry about these issues and can take to the pitch knowing you are fully covered.

  1. Income protection

It is extremely unusual for general healthcare insurance to cover you for loss of income because of a football-related injury. This means you may find yourself in a challenging financial position if you are unable to work due to the injury.

  1. Personal accident and public liability

General health insurance will not cover legal costs or personal accident payouts related to public liability claims, either. These policies typically restrict themselves to medical treatments and do not include cover for other issues that may arise due to football activity.

  1. Equipment cover

Finally, general healthcare insurance will not pay out if your football kit or equipment is lost, damaged or stolen.

How much does football cover cost?

The cost of football insurance depends entirely on the policy you take out. While basic policies are more affordable, they provide less extensive cover. More comprehensive cover will come with a higher premium. Overall costs are determined by the following factors.

  1. Level of cover

The most influential factor in the cost of insurance is the level of coverage you take out. In other words, how comprehensive the protection it offers is and what it does and does not include. The less protection a policy includes, the cheaper it is and vice versa. A policy that only covers basic medical expenses will be more affordable than a policy that adds in loss of income and public liability insurance. However, these more affordable policies do leave you open to greater risk.

  1. Age and health

The age and health of the policyholder will also influence your premium. Younger football players are less prone to injury and less likely to have concerning pre-existing health conditions. Consequently, premiums are cheaper. Older players, or those with known health conditions, are more at risk when playing football and therefore pay more for their insurance.

  1. Level of participation

How often you play, and what level you play at, are crucial factors, too. If you play socially with a group of friends once a week, premiums will be lower. For semi-professionals and professionals who push their bodies to the limits, play multiple times a week and rely on football for their livelihood, those premiums will be significantly higher.

  1. Team or individual

Cost also varies depending on whether you take out insurance as an individual or a team. Team or club insurance tends to be more cost-effective because it spreads the risk across more people. Many clubs take out insurance for their players, even at an amateur level. So you may want to check with the administrators if that is the case. If it is, we recommend getting a copy of the policy details so you know exactly what you are covered for and whether you require any additional insurance.

Are there age restrictions for football cover?

Players of all ages should be able to find football-specific insurance policies. It doesn’t matter whether you are searching for cover for a child who has just started playing or you are over 60 and looking for suitable protection. However, as already noted, your age may impact the amount you can expect to pay and your policy terms.

Youth players

Almost all insurers will offer tailored policies for youth and junior players and these typically come with lower premiums. They are a good option for young footballers who play competitively and are popular among parents concerned that their child may sustain an injury that requires specialist care, emergency dental treatment or long-term physiotherapy. 

Senior players

While some insurers may refuse to insure players over the age of 60, most senior footballers can find cover. You may find it more difficult to find insurance if you are over 60 and have never previously held a policy. But many insurers will continue covering older players as long as they were previously and continue paying their premiums.

Does football insurance cover me abroad?

Whether or not your insurance covers you while abroad depends entirely on the policy terms. In many instances, it will be necessary to add on international cover. This is particularly important if your club plays in tournaments or tours overseas. When travelling abroad to play football, consider the following factors.

  1. Medical treatment abroad

Medical treatment may not be free at the point of access in other countries. In these cases, football-specific health insurance can save you a significant amount. Healthcare costs vary considerably from country to country and an injury that requires immediate treatment could prove remarkably expensive.

  1. Repatriation

In extreme cases, you may need specialist transport to transport you back to the UK for further treatment. Repatriation is often costly and will introduce additional financial pressures. Sport-specific insurance that includes foreign travel will usually cover these costs, ensuring you don't have to pay out of your own pocket.

  1. Cancellation or curtailment

Not everything goes to plan when you travel overseas. Football insurance for individuals and clubs can help you recover the cost of transport, accommodation and registration fees if your trip is cut short or cancelled due to injury, illness or certain unforeseen circumstances. 

Are there exclusions and limitations in football insurance policies?

Yes - all insurance policies place certain limitations on the cover they provide. The precise details of those exclusions and limitations should be laid out clearly in your policy document. If you are unsure what your policy covers, speak to your insurer. At Quote Sports Insurance, our advisors are always on hand to discuss policy details with policyholders, so you know exactly what you are covered for.

With football insurance policies, common exclusions and limitations include:

  1. Pre-existing conditions

If you have a pre-existing health complication or injury that football is likely to exacerbate, you may struggle to find insurance that covers you for claims related to those health concerns. For instance, if you have a history of ankle problems, many insurers will refuse to cover you for ankle injuries.

  1. Unauthorised events

Some insurance policies will not cover you outside of unsanctioned games and training. If you are injured playing in the park with friends or participating in an unofficial tournament that is not organised by an established and recognised footballing organisation, for example.

  1. Deliberate acts

An insurer may also reject your claim if an injury or accident occurs due to deliberate, unsafe or reckless actions. This includes injuries sustained through violent conduct or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  1. Specific injuries

As certain injuries are more common in football than others, some insurance policies will exclude those injuries or charge more for cover that includes them. In a footballing context, concussions and ligament damage are examples of common injury exemptions.

Do I need football insurance at an amateur level?

At the end of the day, whether you take out football insurance is entirely up to you. While some teams and competitions may require you to have insurance, most leave the decision to individuals. 

However, we strongly recommend amateur players consider insurance and think about the level of risk they are willing to take on. Injuries are regular occurrences at amateur level and the consequences can be huge. Football insurance helps you mitigate those risks and enables you to get on with enjoying your favourite sport. While it is always good to be financially covered should something happen, the peace of mind you get from knowing you are protected is great, too.

Specialist football Insurance with Quote Sports Insurance

At Quote Sports Insurance, our expert team provides bespoke specialist football insurance policies, allowing you to build a policy that meets your needs and provides all the cover you need. Whether you are just having fun with your mates or you’re the next Messi, we are here to help you find comprehensive, cost-effective financial protection.

You can get a quick and easy quote on our website or contact our experienced team to discuss your needs and begin arranging your specialist rugby insurance policy.